100 eggs, 4 hands and a machine.
For 100 eggs, 2 hands and a machine we (Marta Llurba and I) wanted to explore the capability of an unusual material in combination with a machine.
This project is very much based on material research and more specifically bio-material research.
We used a waste material, eggshell, to create a biodegradable and more
accessable alternative to clay. For this recipe we only use 4 ingredients: eggshell, cornflour, salt and water (and oregano, curcuma, coffee for natural colouring). We wanted all the materials to be as accessable as possible, so that anyone can be able to be creative and work with their hands. Also only a usual kitchen oven is required.
Then we tried using the material we created in the ceramic printer. To create a contrast between the accesability of the hands and the inacessability of the machine. After much trial and error we finally found a way to make our material work with the printer. We chose to create biodegradable flowerpots to have the used material degrade back into nature during its usage.